With Megan Cole
January 13 to February 3, 2024
10am – 12pm at qathet Art Centre
Join writer Megan Cole for a 4-week class focused on building a sustainable writing practice built on writing as art. In these four weeks you’ll learn how to approach writing from a place of creativity and kindness allowing you to shape innovative and inspiring writing projects. This class will also examine how personal experiences and memories can be used in writing projects.
Program cost is $150 and includes supplies.
To register for this program email Megan at cole.megan1@gmail.com
About Megan
Megan Cole is a tattooed food enthusiast with an obsessive reading habit. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in The Puritan, Chatelaine, and The Fiddlehead. She has her MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of King’s College. Her work is also focused on building community in the BC literary community through organizing literary events and programming.